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Garden drama: things seen in peripheral

Something darted after I approached the hose. It ran under the coiled part. It was getting dark out, and the thing was kind of pale. My thought was: scorpion. 😰

It’s funny to think about how, throughout my childhood, there were always stories about how another teacher or someone’s son got stung by a scorpion and passed away. Fear instilled from back then.

I thought about how my mom might get stung, and I really do need to find this thing and get rid of it before she’s just another part of the scorpion rumors. So I sprayed the area with water to see if I could get it to move again. The puddle started to sink into the dirt a bit, and I watched for any movement.

A tiny lizard poked his head out from under the coils to see if I was still there. 😂 Just a lizard. What a relief.

I saw another one in my garden this morning. Looks like they’re enjoying our yard this year. But tarantula hawk wasps, lizards, falcons; there probably are scorpions lurking somewhere nearby. I’m not as stressed as I was for just a moment, though.

Update: They’re keeled rock geckos.
amethyst1 · 36-40, F
Wouldnt mind seeing pics of some of the wildlife...well, the falcon and lizard anyway 😬
amethyst1 · 36-40, F
@Colonelmustardseed Squirrels! Is the nest quite close to a house then?! Yeah, not sure that would be a good idea!
@amethyst1 Yes. It’s in some palm tree in my neighbor’s yard, right at the fence line and above my garden. 🙂
amethyst1 · 36-40, F
@Colonelmustardseed Quite amazing you have a falcon nesting so close to you really!
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
You should save all these stuff of yours and read it 10 years later. They would sound more real than ever.
@DanielsASJ I probably already sound like my dad, the way he told stories about the mundane things as if it was all something more exciting than it actually is. 🤭
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@Colonelmustardseed When I am rich, I am hiring you as my storyteller. The story should start with - There was this poor guy on SW who kept scrolling online SW content for an hour a day and then he met a guy on SW and both went to an expedition but their plane landed mid sea island. There they stayed for a week and the guy returned with valuable treasures and a code to teleport people. With his intelligence and IQ Level, the guy is now competing with Keylon Musk, Son of Elon musk to reach number 1 spot.
There are flashlights and bulbs that make scorpions glow, might be something good to have around.
@UnderLockDown Yes. I got one a couple years ago because they also make hornworms glow, and I was obsessively checking for them before (will probably do again this year since it’s almost time they usually show up to devastate gardens). 😬
I need to find where I left it.

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