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Spring has arrived.

Stunning Saturday morning on the Kapiti Coast.
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Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
"Never, beautiful Earth, never even at the height of the human storms have I forgotten you, my planet Earth, your forests and your fields, your oceans, the serenity of your mountains; the meadows, the continuing rivers, and the incorruptible promise of returning spring."

—Edgar Pangborn
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
Beautiful photo of Kāpiti coast. Not so sure about spring. September the first is a human construct to suit meteorological purposes. True spring does not start until the vernal equinox which I think is on the 23rd.
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
@KiwiBird For sure, but it certainly feels like it!😊
Is this South island?
@novaguy2u Indeed sir, youare correct.
It seemed for a while that New Zealand was doing a pretty good job.
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
@SatyrService Unfortunately what was presented to the international stage was not a true reflection of public attitudes and perceptions at the time.
@novaguy2u That is what I have come to understand as well
I hope not, this is the UK. We are having our one week summer next week.
nacnud · 36-40, M
Great photo. Air looks clean and fresh too.

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