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You know that moment

When you spill your guts to someone you respect about your world view yet know they are apt to suddenly turn the lights out on you.
I think I did that tonight but I can't soften my opinion when directly asked to avoid clashing outlooks.
I know I'm going to regret it but I cannot keep my anger in check about the status of our world and where I believe the most destructive cause belongs.

Don't ask under this post I think alienating 1 very good person is enough tonight.
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Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
I never feel that I have to discuss everything I feel or believe with everyone.
I know I wouldn't welcome being put down or attacked for a difference of opinion and hope I wouldn't do that to someone else.
How they respond when they ask a direct question and get a direct response is on them.
There are many things that distrub me in this world,but realize I can't change or make people come to what I see as logical conclusions.
I don't change my mind easily and don't expect others to do so either,even when we don't agree.
Mostly I avoid political debate.
I don't find moral debate to be avoidable in some circumstances.
But,debate is not shouting at someone until they agree,as I think some may believe.
For myself,I have to be okay standing alone in what I believe to be right.
People may get angry, people I like very much may drop me, that's not pleasant,but I can't be untrue to my core values,if I did then I'd lose my grip on reality.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
Man I have learned that I don't talk politics at all with anybody online any more.
I have left leaning friends that I only disagree with their politics and nobody is going to switch sides any way. SO I just doge the political questions as politely as I can.
I have a hard time seeing the other side and I know this about myself so I don't allow that to become an issue.
I mean there are some really good bands I use to love to listen to that expressed their political affiliations and lots of other opinion type stuff and I can't bring myself to listen to them any more.
Just nothing good comes from talk religion or politics.
if they dropped you because of your beliefs, then, maybe they werent a true friend to begin with. i am friends with alot of people i disagree with politically. sometimes you just have to agree to disagree and move on. but, if both people are unable or unwilling to do that, then the friendship wasnt meant to last.
tobynshorty · 51-55, F
It’s terrible that this has happened to you. Your beliefs are yours and not anyone else’s to worry about.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@tobynshorty Well it hasn't happened yet thankfully. Maybe my anger was understood even if my desired outcome was arguable.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Most never listen
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@MasterLee Such a shame. :(

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