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The Free Ride is Over 🇺🇸

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Livingwell · 61-69, M
I guess people forget that our president tried to blackmail Zelensky to say that Biden was corrupt in exchange for arms and he refused. Remember that an actual witness was present but was dismissed after moving the truth goal posts several times. I guess people also missed that the supposed witness of the corruption was just sentenced to jail for being convicted of perjury and embezzlement in this matter.

Today we have a desperate man attempting to save his nation and countless lives and once again he is being blackmailed for arms. And he's being offered no security guarantees for having his country raped by this "deal". I guess people also closed their eyes to having a Russian state sponsored journalist in the Oval Office during the telecast. Hmmmm... thank you Comrade Trump and Vance.
@Livingwell A RINO says, what?
Thrust · 56-60, M

The Russians hacked it? Really? Yank the other one.

Why, then were their (and your) fellow travelers not ready for the attack?

Some saboteur inputted the number of the worst person

AOC is a much more of a conservative/republican than you
krf336 · M
@NativePortlander1970 ya, wierd how that worked out.
There was a time when Russia naively asked to join NATO(not knowing the purpose of NATO is against it) 😅.

NATO want Russia to be finished. Russia promised Ukraine to not attack it if Ukraine will keep itself away from NATO. When Zelensky wanted to join NATO, Putin warned him of attack, but Zelensky has some other plans in his mind, and then Putin attacked. It was the Zelensky who triggered Putin to attack Ukraine. Ukraine was a buffer between two different ideologies. If you remove the buffer, there ought to be a confrontation and war.

If Zelensky was a good leader he would have never insisted on joining NATO knowing that was a red line for Russia and this war would have never started. With the support of Europe, Ukraine might get an advantage in the region. But what will it lead to? Putin will not happily accept the defeat. Zelensky & UK is planning to take whole Europe down with them in a nuclear war with Russia. And that is what Trump hinted.

EU has grown on security support of US. If US takes back it's security support to Europe, then Europe will realize how easy it is to provide all those free services to its citizens(indirectly on US tax payers money). As far as UK funding the war is concerned, UK just cut the winter fuel allowance for the elderly, and Trump is asking for all European countries to contribute at least 5% of their GDP to NATO else US might just leave funding NATO. I don't see a peace now. War is not a solution. It's time for humanity to develop, and not to get destroyed in wars.

Why is it that countries can spend billions without getting the tax payers permission?

This is how Zelensky is forcing Ukrainian men in to the war.

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If Zelensky was a good leader he would have never insisted on joining NATO knowing that was a red line for Russia and this war would have never started.
He didn't insist on joining NATO before Russia attacked. In fact, Russia was told in no uncertain terms, in the weeks before the invasion, that Ukraine would NOT, and never would, be joining NATO.

Putin ignored this.
@ABCDEF7 Thank you for your post and thank you for posting this video. I’m beginning to see a glimmer of light as to what is really
going on!
You don't live in a country that is being overrun by a hugely bigger aggressor. Neither do I. If I did, I would want my leader to gain as much help as possible. No one is saying Zelenskyy is perfect....no one is saying he does everything right. But we are not in a country that is likely to disappear off the map, and its citizens genocided or imprisoned.
@georgelong It was not all free. There were "gifts" but Ukraine was happy to accept loans. Because the plan was that reparations were to be made from Russia to repay.
Thrust · 56-60, M

Maybe it won't happen because we won't let it.

You should try that concept
georgelong · 46-50, M
So Ukraine agreed to rely zero? @autumngirl27
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
Gmoney601 · 36-40, F
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
And hopefully for many of the lazy living off the government people here. There's a new sheriff in town
Steph34 · 31-35, F
@Midlifemale Yes and you can move to the occupied territory as you love Putin.


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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
God I wish people had basic political literacy.
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@CountScrofula @KateATX

Trump's deal, and beneficiaries:

Russia: 20% of Ukrainian territory, legitimacy for the invasion because they were apparently attacked first.

US: Mineral wealth for free, political kudos for the Base back home.

Ukraine: Accept that they started the war, give up 20% of their territory, no security guarantee from US, no guarantee from Putin that the fighting will end.
yugimotodm · 26-30, M
No more free meals
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Europe can say the same!
when you and the boys work out whos turn it is to buy the toot

Kiesel · 56-60, M
No more fund raising world tours or photo op bomb signing
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KateATX · 41-45, F
@Stephie what country are you from and how much money has your country spent to help defend Ukraine?
georgelong · 46-50, M
Why are you wasting time of what some may refer to as a lackwit. @isthisafakeprofile
georgelong · 46-50, M
Interesting. @KateATX
No wonder Hunter is crying that hes broke. Daddys got no power or extra cash.
Thrust · 56-60, M
Love how the simps here lay the attaboys on him. They had a deal all but signed a week ago in Ukraine. So this dingleberry came all the way here to renege on the deal in front of the entire world

The fact the simps here think this is heroic and admirable says everything about them
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KateATX · 41-45, F
@AbbeyRhode his smirk and crossed arms were so arrogant. He thought he could do what he wanted and go unchecked.
AbbeyRhode · F
@KateATX Yep, what a rotten attitude. No respect, and no class.
Thrust · 56-60, M

Did you see the Ukranian Ambassador during this? She had her hands covering her face in horror
Remember Obama and his coup in Ukraine?
isthisafakeprofile · 61-69, M
Huh. How about that now? @Roundandroundwego
@isthisafakeprofile sounds like I'm utterly alone with reality and the past. Certainly I will NEVER tell people all about what they're missing when they choose the next war, and the next war and war and war forever! You don't know nothing? Yup. Me alone with all history, you together killing the ecosystem and society. Together united everyone. It's old news. You have sanitized that web and war war war war war war.
isthisafakeprofile · 61-69, M
Not a war fan here. @Roundandroundwego
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isthisafakeprofile · 61-69, M
This a great stuff ma’am. You’ve done a number of terrific threads. Keep up the terrific work! 🇺🇸💯
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Good riddance to bad rubbish. We want our $ back.
georgelong · 46-50, M
The charlatan should never get even a penny while they last of US money ever again.

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