I Appreciate HonestyAnd honestly this website hasn't got me interested yet. There aren't a ton of people I can really connect too. And I haven't been on much since I have begun using it. Thinking about not keeping this
I Am Trying to Find HappinessWhen I created this account I was in a bad spot and didn't really use it that much but I hope to actually use it and make friends now that I am better.
I Have Lost People I Love From CancerMy aunt died from lung cancer a few years back and she was probably one of the hardest things I had to go through but it's not something I want mourn about I would rather enjoy the memories that she gave me.
I Won't Judge YouThis is a weird topic. Because I think it is a natural thing that people judge other people. Even if they say they don't or wont.
I Hate Animal Cruelty [I Am Against Animal Cruelty]Honestly, every animal deserves a good life. It breaks my heart when I see someone mistreating an animal. I don't like cats but I would never mistreat a cat.
I Would Easily Spend a Whole Day Curled Up With a Good BookI honestly have spent more than one day reading haha.