Gangstress · 41-45, F
A little light does goes out
But we have their music. Itll take us through our years. May it forever live on
But we have their music. Itll take us through our years. May it forever live on
Grateful4you · M
@Gangstress This is exactly why I continue watching the movies of people like Bette Davis. Every time I watch one of her ( more than over a hundred films)) She comes back to life, over and over again!
bijouxbroussard · F
I understand. One thing I hadn’t known was how many health problems she’d suffered in the last few years, a stroke, intestinal cancer and kidney failure. At one point her husband, Erwin Bach, donated a kidney to her. Her last years were difficult. One bright side was that her second husband appears to have been everything Ike wasn’t : kind, supportive and devoted.
She was incredible and will be missed.
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
What does "incrudulous" mean?
Here is the song you like
Here is the song you like
Jayciedubb · 56-60, M
I might be, but first I have to look up the definition of incredulous.....brb
Nope. I'm not the least bit incredulous about it. But that might change as this news sinks in. She had a couple good long runs. And I bet she still leaves behind a good looking corpse.
Prince? Incredulous. Michael Jackson? Incredulous. Whitney Houston? Incredulous. Cliff Burton? Incredulous . Kurt Cobain? Chris Cornell? Layne Staley? Incredulous. River Phoenix? Incredulous. the Australian Joker guy? Incredulous. While I'm in australia, Michael Hutchins? Incredulous
... Tina Turner? Not so much. Her career was like her legs. There were two of them and they were nice and long. Actually three counting her acting career.
Nope. I'm not the least bit incredulous about it. But that might change as this news sinks in. She had a couple good long runs. And I bet she still leaves behind a good looking corpse.
Prince? Incredulous. Michael Jackson? Incredulous. Whitney Houston? Incredulous. Cliff Burton? Incredulous . Kurt Cobain? Chris Cornell? Layne Staley? Incredulous. River Phoenix? Incredulous. the Australian Joker guy? Incredulous. While I'm in australia, Michael Hutchins? Incredulous
... Tina Turner? Not so much. Her career was like her legs. There were two of them and they were nice and long. Actually three counting her acting career.

Yes, I was saddened by her death because she was such a nice person not just a great singer. She did seem very unhealthy before she died. You could tell by looking at her in her last interviews. None of us will live forever. Rip