jazz ensemble
I'd come home and light the fire
sing these love songs of desire
but so often she would say:
is that all you can play?
I'd like something with more meaning
then some lust filled sack of feelings,
which does no one no good...
So I said, next time, I would
I brought home a tuba player
and a jazz trio paying furious
could barely fit them in the trailer
but what we did was serious
When that sweat filled show was over
I asked her: "Was that okay"
"How'd you dig them covers?
She said she liked when I didn't play
sing these love songs of desire
but so often she would say:
is that all you can play?
I'd like something with more meaning
then some lust filled sack of feelings,
which does no one no good...
So I said, next time, I would
I brought home a tuba player
and a jazz trio paying furious
could barely fit them in the trailer
but what we did was serious
When that sweat filled show was over
I asked her: "Was that okay"
"How'd you dig them covers?
She said she liked when I didn't play