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I Like All Kinds of Music

I remember hearing this song years ago and I really liked it. Well I ran into it later on and learned to play it. Well kind of learned to play it. I recorded it because I knew I would forget it. LOL
I normally don't sing. I am sure you will see why.
I get asked now and again if I have anything to share so I thought I would just post it here.
Hope you like it.

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I'm glad you decided to share this. Wish I could play like that. I really enjoyed this. I could sit for hours and listen to live music.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@LadyGrace Wow!!! Did I miss this by a long shot or what. I don't understand how that stuff works. I miss notifications even when I am looking for them.
If your still on S.W. I'm sorry I missed you comment.
I appreciate your kind comment.
I like what you did with the video, and your playing is excellent! Fantastic, I mean, sure, you're not Andre Segovia, but your guitar playing is pretty damn good!
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@puck61: Oh yeah that's a ways LOL Yeah if she has like five seems she would hook her ole man up with one LOL. Hey dude. I don't know how your money situation is but I got this Crestwood up for $140. Made in China but I got no complaints. I got it mostly to be able to teach my daughter a bit on it. That way I would have two. But I also got it to try to get me back interested in it.
You can look them up on line. I mean it would get you by.
@Dainbramadge: The thing sounds pretty good! Hey. Help me with this idiot I just responded to!
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@puck61: Yeah it sounds real good for the money. LOL
Send me a link and I will help you out. :-)
Carazaa · F
Is that you? That’s very good!!
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Carazaa Thank you. It was a hard song to learn but I really liked it so I stuck with it. I mostly recorded it so I wouldn't forget it. LOL. Then I ran into Puck71 and wanted to show him it.
Thank you for listening.
Carazaa · F
@Dainbramadge you’re talented! So is puck!
Peaches · F
Right on!👍🏽🕺🎤🎸🎶💓🎼 This is great, you've got some great talent, love your voice AND that hat!😉🤠
Peaches · F
@Dainbramadge: 🙂✌🏼
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Peaches: I love those emojis LOL
Peaches · F
@Dainbramadge: Me too, it's part of my fun time here. 😍⭐✌🏼
Another chance is the gifts i sent you. Goodbye
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@TryingtoLava: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! You're killing me. :-)
Did you change your name?? I only have a few gifts.
What was W/e ??
I need more hints. LOL
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@TryingtoLava: Unblock me. :-(
FurryFace · 61-69, M
not bad reminds me of some catchy tune i made on an electric guitar many years ago , however you're not ready for X-Factor and Simon Cowl just yet , lol
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
Ive not heard this in so long, ty SW for bringing me here.
Carazaa · F
@checkoutanytime I love his music!
bookerdana · M
I do like it! I never learned how to play😢,though I guess its never too late. Thanks for sharing,Dain!
bookerdana · M
@Dainbramadge You can learn how to do most anything on the net,and I do mean anything😛
Considering the poor setup for recording (no vocal mic) you did good!😉
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@bookerdana You should have seen how that brain surgery I tried went with You Tube as my guide ,,
The family wasn't impressed with me turning my mistake into a life size toy either ,
When it began to rot ,they made me bury it ,
but you know what they say ,if at first you don't succeed ,
Try try again ,,,,LOL
bookerdana · M
@rckt148 Obviously you used the wrong video!!!😛😛😛
Really like this, the start reminded me a bit of a Spandau ballet song, good job mate!
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Jogadnbyt Thank you. I always loved the song but it is done with an alternate tuning. Had a hard time figuring that out. LOL
Thanks again. :-)
@Dainbramadge sounds good mate, this is the song it reminded me of a bit[media=] And funny you mentioned about the tuning thing, see I do a similar thing when djing, turn the key lock off and speed up or slow down a bit, can get some interesting effects! Anymore covers ya done, or your own songs, post em up mate
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Jogadnbyt Some how I just saw this comment. Sorry it so long to respond.
This song was done in what they call a dropped double D tuning. Pretty much just change the E's to D's. When I learned it the first time, the one from the video I posted, I had to find the tuning myself by listening to it over and over and tuning and tuning. LOL . Well then I had to make up the chords as well. Some more tuning and tuning and listening and listening. Well this time when I learned it I just went to You Tube and learned from someone who already knew it. Pretty easy after that. Takes a while getting back into being able to fret that stuff tho.
No this is the only one I have. I had a few others that I had recorded on my old computer but the ex-wife ended up with that.
I never did record any of my originals. To bad cause no they have been long forgotten.
I do like that song you sent. :-)
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
Ha ha ha. Not ready for Simon yet LOL To sweet.
Thanks for reading and commenting .
FurryFace · 61-69, M
yeah well i was bored enough to check this guys stuff out , lol
Impressive. Feels so bluesy.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@LilithoftheTrees I originally posted this to show a friend on here who also plays.
I normally don't try to show off. LOL
Thank you. :-)
@Dainbramadge it’s not showing off. It’s cool!
Entheesa · 31-35, F
This is awesome! 😃 Also cool too see a real video of someone on this site, that's rare.
Like it! 👍️ Style of the video is good too.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Ramblingrose Thank you. I had been playing around with a sound editor to mix the track and also a video editor just for fun. I decided to put the two together for this.
Carazaa · F
Nice 🎼💞🎼
Carazaa · F
@Dainbramadge I enjoyed all your videos "the memory of you" was nice too 🙂
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Carazaa I am so embarrassed but I am not sure what you mean by "The memory of you". I know this is going to turn out to be something I should know. :-)
Carazaa · F
@Dainbramadge No worries, I'll PM you
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I love it, i love the sound x
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Gangstress Thank you. This was a tough one for me. I remember spending days just listening to that song over and over trying to get it right.
Then when I finally got it I had to record it because I knew there was no way I would remember it. LOL
christianapavard123 · 36-40, F
great piece.
Lostpoet · M
Wow, this is really cool

It must be nice to be able to sing and play like that.

You should shed your clown image and go with this.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Lostpoet Thank you. Maybe if the balloon animal thing doesn't pan out for me. LOL
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I liked it ,would love to jam with you
my FurryFace friend does not know what we old rockers can pull out of our butts and shut the music store cowboys up ,,
Sit around all day with all the toys and practice ,
begin to think they're stars ...boy I was a star long before your Poppa spit you out
hook up clean ,crank it up and blow their friggin minds
Damn old man ,you can play
what bands were you in
well we weren't the Stones ,anyone most will remember
but we lived the dream
I was with lots of bands ,,but I am known for my vocals
guitar is only one of the instruments I play
I never said I was a guitar player
but a piece of wood with 6 strings has made me a good living
a lot more then the a holes that said 'You will never be a pimple on a guitar players butt" ,,,their words motivated me
Every show I got paid ,,I would say
I wish I was a pimple on a real guitar players butt
then I could really rake in the bucks ,,,wish they could see me counting all these bills now ,,not to shabby for 3 hours work
doing what I love .
They are still freezing their butts off calling themselves fishermen ,or getting carried off by mosquito's,,
let them live their dream ,,I lived mine
Cool tune Brother,,I enjoyed it ,,
See ya know my other Bother from another mother
Puck is good people ,my Sister Peaches too
Like that FurryFace dude pretty good too
you attracted some good people ,,Rock on Brother ,Rock on
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@rckt148 Thank you glad you enjoyed it.

I like Puck. We have the same political views as well as both play guitar. He posted some of his own tunes online some place. I don't know if you have seen them or not. Maybe we will get to jam together some day. I'm still trying to get my legs back under me after not playing for so long.
Peaches · F
@rckt148 Awww, 🤗 thanks my brother! You should post yourself playing guitar for us some time. 🎼🎸😉
Lilnonames · F
Lilnonames · F
@Dainbramadge your the one who first sent me that song
Lilnonames · F
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Lilnonames What can I say? I love to share things I love. :-) I can't stop listening to this.
Lilnonames · F
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Lilnonames Where are you finding these. They are great. Just like what I was talking about female singer with hard rock.
Lilnonames · F
@Dainbramadge told u i got juke box brain haha
Lilnonames · F
@Dainbramadge [media=]
candycane · 36-40, F
I remember you gave me this song on e p[media=]
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@candycane look at you in the way back machine.:-)

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