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Eric Johnson Cover - 'Song For Life' By Hope.

So, we did a thing again today, me and Hope.

Again, we got some recording software and we decided to record an instrumental that Hope has practiced. This time, on her Electro Acoustic Ovation guitar that we got her for her birthday.

She's 10, incidentally.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me present my daughter Hope - again! - with her cover of the Eric Johnson tune, 'Song For Life'...


Just copy & paste the link.

Proud Mamma, Pt 2
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JamesBugman · 56-60, T
I think we need a video of her actually playing that. It doesn't sound like a 10 yr old playing.
Great tune though, well played.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@JamesBugman Impress or Glowfrog can do music videos but they cost at least £2500. No matter what you do in the music business it's a risk and is expensive. She does have an interesting life story though. Hopefully she starts writing and copywriting her own compositions. Alternatively, she just needs a few talented friends. Wish i could get my amp and microphone to her.
KarenDuponteDurose · 46-50, F
@JamesBugman Well, it is and she doesn't want to do videos. She's a tutor and let's the music do the talking - her words.

Believe what you want to believe. Doubt a child because she has more talent than you? Pretty poor on the human being front, I think.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
MarkRichardson · 46-50, M
She is great!
matthewjames · 18-21, M
57fbguitars · 13-15, M
Amazing!! I wouldn’t say it rivals the original itself (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cr-pNH9iaEA), but it’s damn near! Amazing job.
KarenDuponteDurose · 46-50, F
@57fbguitars Thank you for the comments. Hope says thank you, of course, but also says "...Eric plays it more cleanly than I do.."

57fbguitars · 13-15, M
@KarenDuponteDurose Eric Johnson did write the song after all, and, as I think we can all agree, plays it cleanest. No need to strive for something unattainable. It sounds lovely as it is.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
When is her cd coming out?
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
CHILD G.E.N.I.U S....very impressed

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