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Why people dissapoint me.

I came across this on YouTube and personally found it a fascinating and interesting cover. The comments are mostly 5 years old but full of bashing. Talent deserves respect and I think what this guy did with a single instrument was incredible. If you don't like it that's your right but give the guy some respect.

Just like you see here all the time, those with nothing better to do than piss on people’s cornflakes.
No sheet music, all by memory/ear. Absolutely amazing.

He even reproduces the bridge, and all the fill-ins, flawlessly.

To his youtube haters, they might consider that the members of Tears for Fears thought his rendition worthy of a personal visit.

Gibbon · 70-79, M
@SethGreene531 That is totally awesome and much appreciated. Thanks for sharing this. When the original artists approve it puts duct tape on the haters mouths.
@Gibbon For sure, you're welcome!
I was really pleased also, to see he got that response to his work.

Definitely. Artist approval is the definitive shutdown to any further mudslinging.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
That is really neat and he is very talented..yes😊
I can't imagine a negative comment 😶. Ty for sharing!
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@Coralmist They're not worth going to YouTube to read. They are just disrespectful.
Usually the people with the least talent or courage to express anything will be the first to bash other people .
nedkelly · 61-69, M
In Australia we call it the tall poppy syndrome, knocking someone down

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