vorian · 51-55, M
Shes a childrens entertainer. A good one I'll give you that. The amount of adults that like her music is worrying.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
I’m not a Swifty fan. I’m sure she’s good at the genre she does, but pop isn’t my bag.
Hamed2218 · 22-25, M
@WintaTheAngle She has lots of interesting pop songs, but i'm mostly invested in her folk albums.
thank you for replying, hope you are having a good day
thank you for replying, hope you are having a good day
Paladin · 61-69, M
Music has been going steadily downhill since the '70s
Dreamer24 · 22-25, F
What are your opinions?
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
Can’t stand her music. Hope I’m spared ever having to listen to her new album.