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most recently, i made a playlist for my new kitten filled with music made especially for cats
RebelHeart · 36-40, F
I did this too when i started a new job last november! It works so well. I have a play list for everything because I find music is so good at influencing my mood.
Hope the new job is going well!
Hope the new job is going well!
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@RebelHeart Great minds eh? I don’t know about you but it sets me up for the day, driving in listening to this.
Thanks for the well wishes👍🏻
Thanks for the well wishes👍🏻
RebelHeart · 36-40, F
@WintaTheAngle absolutely :) it definitely makes the mornings easier. I'm lucky enough that I'm allowed to have an earbud in all day while I'm working and so sometimes I listen to podcasts but I always fall back on my upbeat playlist when i need a mood boost
RoaringLion · 51-55, M
Congrats on the new job!
I see some cool ideas from some of the punters here.
Personally my most recent is a series of lists of "Sleepy sounds". Mostly the sound of a fire crackling, river/stream sounds, rain sound etc. 3 or so hours in length each.
I see some cool ideas from some of the punters here.
Personally my most recent is a series of lists of "Sleepy sounds". Mostly the sound of a fire crackling, river/stream sounds, rain sound etc. 3 or so hours in length each.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@RoaringLion Thank you
suzette · 46-50, F
i got one for everything like idek why i made a seggz playlist when i have no interest lmao
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
I never make playlists.
MarineBob · 56-60, M