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SW-User Best Comment
I think this should work,
There's definitely a vain kind of glory going on where he's hoping to find pride?
There's definitely a vain kind of glory going on where he's hoping to find pride?
RoaringLion · 51-55, M
@SW-User Awesome answer Windy. Not an obvious one at all which shows some care and consideration for your answer. I like it, and appreciate your varied tastes in music sir as well 🙏
Stuck in the 80s
RoaringLion · 51-55, M
@SW-User Right back to the start. Awesome post Lugubri, cheers. BTW did you find Ocean Rain in you collection?
@RoaringLion No, never bought it for some reason. I think I was going through a bit of a funk and soul phase 😆
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
This one was created for the video game Skyrim, but I love it. It's about a great hero called Ragnar, who turns out to be a braggart and is brought down by a woman.
RoaringLion · 51-55, M
@LordShadowfire It's a good post, and definitely outside the box. I trialed this question by finding a few songs on the subject myself and found "pride" a little tough to answer by song. Cheers.