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Which song makes you feel alive?

When i listen to this song from 1971 it feels like it's made for my soul. Makes me feel that life's beautiful.

What's yours?

That's a precious song. Such a beautiful sentiment.

Mine is:




Not unlike your selection; it is a transcendent piece. That spirits the mind and soul away.
One of my favorites for quiet nights.

Thank you. Likewise, you have particularly discerning taste in music.
@SethGreene531 Seth, you quite write how I write professionally. Here I just am too casual but I like your style and articulation.

I absolutely love this music from the movie, "Into the wild" - Long Nights. Have you listened to it? It does something to me. Something weird like the other angel is listening to it as well.

@SW-User Thank you so much; high praise coming from you. As you are well spoken, respected in your field, and highly educated.

I enjoy writing, art, and music. Doing my best to connect emotionally to these mediums when possible. Through which I've realized a sense of peace and wonder in my life.

I like the opening theme, and know the film and its backstory well.
An enigmatic, albeit tragic journey of finding oneself, and reconciling with the demons of his past.

Evocative of an angel over your shoulder, I agree.

The song reminds me very much of the works of Ludovico Einaudi written for the film 'Intouchables': Haunting, beautiful, contemplative.


and this American band:

eyeno · M
Dont know if this would make any feel alive but this makes me feel that I'm still feeling something other than a hardened heart.

@eyeno You have no idea what you have introduced me to. I can't describe this tune in words. Check my new post and let me know your feedback
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@angel777] it was actually released in the uk in 1968 .that was the year louise armstrong died 1971
@smiler2012 ohhhh! Such a legend
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard I so agree with you on this one.

Have you heard Irish band Hothouse Flowers version? It's a different take, a different set of emotions. Beginning from where you are picking up the shattered pieces and realising you actually, maybe, might be gonna make it. Then the realisation becoming sheer exultation.

@bijouxbroussard so beautiful
@Abstraction wow!!!
TheFragile · 46-50, M
High---The Cure
WildWings · 61-69, M
Galway Girl.
@SW-User this is so beautiful. Is this Arabic?
@SW-User Yeah.
mikeylyksit · 41-45, M
@mikeylyksit nice beats and lyrics
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@basilfawlty89 never could figure hard rock
Lilnonames · F
@Lilnonames nice lyrics

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