Grateful4you · M
Actually I rather liked it so no harsh opinions. I enjoy the offbeat non commercial efforts of artist. I helped make the "Association" famous so my critique isn't exactly worthless.
Jaydo1ph · 46-50, M
@Grateful4you awesome.. That must've been a blast. Thank you for the kind words.
Grateful4you · M
Most welcome. The music business is ruthless so develop a thick skin and persevere through the naysayers, (there will be many)
WineandCoffee · 51-55, F
I liked it .. but the singer needs more grrrrrr ya know
Jaydo1ph · 46-50, M
@WineandCoffee Absolutely! Thanks!
xixgun · M
The lyrics work, but who in the hell told that guy he could sing? Also, a 43 second intro is unnecessary (it's not Pink Floyd, after all).