marsbar · F
Awww I’m sorry. That’s actually one of my favorite songs of hers.
A lot of songs bring back mostly happy memories for me, so I can’t think of one that would make me cry.
A lot of songs bring back mostly happy memories for me, so I can’t think of one that would make me cry.
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I heard this song for the first time shortly after my dad died of dementia. I cried. Not only for him... but knowing my wife would treat me horribly if they same thing happened to me.
Nat15 · F
@SW-User 😔
Jar of hearts
Nat15 · F
@Underconstruction It's a sad sad song.
@Nat15 Yes. Beautiful, though.
Nat15 · F
@Underconstruction Yes.
See you again - wiz khalifa
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
All too well by Taylor Swift. And you be the anchor by Mayday Parade
Nat15 · F
@CallmeHopelessNotRomantic What makes them sad for you?
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
@Nat15 The person they remind me of. Especially all too well.
Nat15 · F
@CallmeHopelessNotRomantic I understand. :( *hug*
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
I’m ok by Christina Aguilera
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Nat15 You live child abuse
Nat15 · F
@MrBrownstone I have....
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Nat15 Don’t listen to it.

This reminds me of a friend of mine.
Nat15 · F
@SW-User So sad :(

@Nat15 :/ Yeah, but the song is good though. :)
Nat15 · F
@SW-User It is.

I miss my mom 😥
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Nat15 · F
@Keepitsimple Why is it sad for you?
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
@Nat15 Reminds me of something from my past is all.
Nat15 · F
@Keepitsimple Yeah. Sometimes the past sucks. *hug*
SapphicHeart · F
Nat15 · F
@SapphicHeart *hug* :(
MrEMann · 51-55, M
Hallelujah! But noy by the original artist, Leonard Cohen. I fell in love with Kate Voegele version first. Anyway, the part that gets me is the verse:
"I've seen your flag on the marble acrch,
And love is not a victory march,
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah!"
Most of us have this misconception that love is all warm and fuzzy. Ohhh, it's the fluttery feeling in our tummy when we kiss, or the way we can't stop thinking about them. Blah, blah, blah!
WRONG! That crap's for rookies! Love is an action word, and not a feeling at all. Love is how we treat that person who can't love themselves in that moment. Love in that willingness to put your vulnerable heart on the floor at the feet of another human being who behaves like a bull in a china shop because they are crippled in pain, all while never feeling regret or counting the scars sustained.
Oh, you'd be wrong to assume I suggest becoming a doormat to anyone. No! This is about belief in someone. This is about well-placed, unconditional-love. If you don't know this pain, you're truly missing out on one of the greatest gifts we are blessed with in our human state.
You can build a wall around yourself, to protect you from the outside world. "You're not gonna hurt me! I won't let you in!" Might as well live in a cage. Not me! I'll take my cold and broken hallelujah any day of the week, and twice on Sunday!
Either get busy livin', or get busy dyin'!
Quote by The Outlaw Josey Whales
"I've seen your flag on the marble acrch,
And love is not a victory march,
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah!"
Most of us have this misconception that love is all warm and fuzzy. Ohhh, it's the fluttery feeling in our tummy when we kiss, or the way we can't stop thinking about them. Blah, blah, blah!
WRONG! That crap's for rookies! Love is an action word, and not a feeling at all. Love is how we treat that person who can't love themselves in that moment. Love in that willingness to put your vulnerable heart on the floor at the feet of another human being who behaves like a bull in a china shop because they are crippled in pain, all while never feeling regret or counting the scars sustained.
Oh, you'd be wrong to assume I suggest becoming a doormat to anyone. No! This is about belief in someone. This is about well-placed, unconditional-love. If you don't know this pain, you're truly missing out on one of the greatest gifts we are blessed with in our human state.
You can build a wall around yourself, to protect you from the outside world. "You're not gonna hurt me! I won't let you in!" Might as well live in a cage. Not me! I'll take my cold and broken hallelujah any day of the week, and twice on Sunday!
Either get busy livin', or get busy dyin'!
Quote by The Outlaw Josey Whales
MrEMann · 51-55, M
@Nat15 never heard him... ever! Gotta look him up now. Kate McKinnon from Saturday Night Live did a surprisingly wonderful version as Hillary Clinton, right after Trump got elected. She even sang a new verse I hadn't heard before, right at the end. I loved it! I don't love her support of.... well, let's not go there! HaHa!
Columbianpoppies · 41-45, F
Mr blobby
Brawny · 46-50, M
Most rap songs because how terribley they're written. Except for you, Kendrick
76starships · 46-50, M
Sorry to hear that a fun, silly song like that is a trigger for a bad memory.
Nat15 · F
@76starships Thanks.
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