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One more AI generated story I made a video from

This one might be the best one yet.
Been messing around with the AI video clip maker and I used a few in this.
Since I don't pay it takes up to an hour to generate a 5 sec clip. LOL
This one is "Red riding hood and the Werewolf".

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LadyGrace · 70-79
If I may humbly critique....

The video is great. I thought it looked professional. However, the narrator killed all your efforts. With a male, sort of menacing voice, a little deep, it would have been SO much better, but there's absolutely no excitement in her voice or anything and she paused at a couple wrong , as if she were reading the script, but when she was speaking for the Little Red Riding Hood, it was just lifeless. Very disappointing. And the look on Red Riding Hood's face was not even that of fright.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@LadyGrace I had a better reader once but I forgot to bookmark it and now I can't find it again.
I have been trying different ones but most only let you do 500 words at a time so I end up having to do 8 or 10 or more clips.
I had Morgan Freeman do part of one. LOL.
But thank you for the input. Like I say the first one I used worked so well but for the life of me I can't find it.
Also I figured the female voice would be better because it was a female protagonist. But I think you are right it would have been better for a male to do.
I appreciate your input. That is why I like uploading them here, because when I show my friends they just say "Great". LOL
I may actually redo this one with a better voice because I do think it's the best so far.
Also there was a part where the werewolf shows up and I wanted to put a howl sound clip in.
Thanks again for your input and kind words. :-)
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Dainbramadge Thank you for so graciously receiving my thoughts. I just think the video is wonderful and I love the monster hahaha but yes you really must have a male voice because she just sounds too kind you know there was just no feeling there and it really took away from your beautiful video and that's what I didn't like. That's a real shame but I'm sure you'll find someone. Keep up the good work. You really did a great job. I would love to see the finished product. I know this is work for you and I appreciate your hard efforts.
RedBaron · M
A Madea video? Is Tyler Perry in it? 🤣
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@RedBaron Fixed it. :-)

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