newuser188 · 26-30, M
i could never get into the side shows or the real show it self.

Nah, I just watch the original walking dead!! I've tried the other shows, but, can't get into them.
Jenna6982 · 26-30, F
Oh I thought they were pretty good even when they crossed over morgan and Dwight to fear the walking dead.

cool if i message you?
Mievain · 26-30, M
Anyone will be forgiven and saved (from hell) if repents and believes in Lord Jesus. Good to know.

i have never gotten into the side shows of the walking dead
i only like the walking dead
i only like the walking dead
oldusercomingback · 26-30, M
walking dead is a very good show
ExperienceDLT · M
The entire walking dead series is on its last legs its pardon the pun as good as dead
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
Fear i enjoyed it got really boring for me after season 2 but picked up again in like season 4
World beyond I thought kinda sucked still watched it
World beyond I thought kinda sucked still watched it