CookieCrisp · F
oh i think i would rather just keep the voices that i give to people on here so im not disappointed by reality lol
Blondily · F
I have heard a friend's voice whose name starts with a J.
Perry1968 · M
@Blondily A normal response if you have known the person a while. I used to chat to a couple of people here that i knew and it took time before we ever spoke. When someone says im asking a weird Q by asking this then i would disagree. By coming friends here with male and female has led to some great laughs. For me anyway.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
Same here😂
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
Who is voice? What a strange question. How can anybody be voice? 🤔
Perry1968 · M
@MaryDreamilton Its only a strange question if its for perverted reasons. I have been here forever and know a few people i speak to here. Id love to put a voice or have a phone convo with the people i get along with. A voice is the noise that comes from your vocal cords 🙄