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Are there any Star Wars fans that aren't toxic?

I prefer the pre Disney Star Wars myself. I love the original Expanded Universe, now called Legends. My personal head canon is Legends is one universe while the Disney canon is another universe. I like a few stories in the Disney canon but I prefer Legends. I want Legends to be continued as a separate but equal universe along with the Disney canon. That being said I don't have a problem with people enjoying the Disney canon or liking both universes.
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SourceDecay · 41-45, M
I think there are plenty of fans that aren't toxic. Every fanbase is going to have its nutcases.

I grew up loving the original trilogy and the prequels. For a time I was also big into the expanded universe created by Timothy Zahn. I loved the original Thrawn trilogy. Read a bunch of other books from the expanded universe. Enjoyed the Force Unleased games. I believe this is all Legends material? As far as Disney goes I have enjoyed the bulk of the series (not talking about you Acolyte), but can't say I was the biggest fan of the movies. If it's coming down to Disney vs Legends though? I have to go with Legends.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
First the question must only apply to pre- Disney. You stated. They ruined the franchise and so many other things.
I enjoyed the original episodes 4 5 and 6. As for the prelogs 1 2 and 3 I agree with @SomeMichGuy especially Jar Jar and the beginning of toxic. Mark Hamils presence being the nut case he is destroyed episodes 7 8 and 9.

I enjoy and appreciate all the old Star Trek Show reruns for escapism.
Jaego · 100+
Speaking as a Star Wars fan they’re very unappreciative, yes Disney are out of ideas and need to think hard about their next project - but Rogue One, The Mandalorian and Andor are superb and rewatchable.

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