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I Love Netflix

if anyone hasn’t seen ‘Gilmore Girls’ i would highly recommend, i finished watching last week and it’s one of the best series i’ve watched on Netflix, you’ll be addicted by the end of the first episode. :)
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IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
My favorite Netflix show.currently is BoJack Horseman. You ever watch that? It's an absolutely incredible show and for a show where half the cast are talking animals, it's a very deep and smartly written show. It legit has the power to change your perspective on life. It can range from really funny to really sad and depressing within seconds and handles topics about real world issues, like death or drug abuse for example. I guarantee you will love the show :) .
Hoosierxdaddy62 · 61-69, M
My girls binged GG. If you want a good series on Netflix, try The Weather Wing!
sometimeslonelytoo · 51-55, M
There was a time I often deliberately alternated between fiction that seemed predominantly aimed at men, and that predominantly aimed at women. There were times when women's fiction just didn't suit me at all, and other times when I found it well-written and insightful. I often wondered about this programme.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
Love the grandmother
pampersmom11 · 26-30, F
U watch the new ones
vikiii · 31-35, F
@pampersmom11 I’ve seen all on Netflix including the extra one they done but don’t have the programme over here in the UK if that’s what you meant? not that i no of anyway. :)
pampersmom11 · 26-30, F
@vikiii its been off air forever they did the extra year after ten years lol
pampersmom11 · 26-30, F
Great ahow

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