When my husband lowered the saddle on my (hired from the shop) bicycle I shouted out , “ It’s BICYCLE REPAIR MAN!” (Much to the confusion of many onlookers!)
I wasn't a Pythonist until The Life of Brian was released. I only went to see it because the christians were making so much fuss about it. If it hadn't been for them, I might never have seen it. Now I'm hooked. :)
an english person! ....Hi there .....yes i too loved monty python ...not all of it ....but when it was funny it was really funny .....ministry of silly walks ....dead parrot etc
How about when Dennis (the politically aware peasant) says to King Arthur who has just called him "Hey You there!" points out that his name is "Dennis" and then asks "How'd you get to be King anyway? Some watery tart throw a sword at you?"