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I Love Game Of Thrones

*spoiler alert*
Unsolicited GOT Season Finale Review #92: and so marks another glorious year of GOT, at this point I don't know what I will be doing on my Sunday's, but the good news is that Football will be starting up soon. Nevertheless let's start this long review....
You can tell that sh*t was going to go down from the eerie music to the almost oscar-worthy cinematography. Yes, we all had our theories what Cersei was up to...and safe to say we were all correct in that theory. The one thing Jaime tried to prevent with King Targ by slaying him, Cersei accomplished. I remember talking to my friend last week about how this show is going to wrap up, he didn't like all the "loose threads" in storylines in which I made a joke that "hey, either the writers is going to kill them off or make spin-off shows" Well, guess I became Nostradamus there.
I think the most poignant moment (and perhaps foreshadowing) is the friendship that Dany and Tyrion have. Yes, I found Daario pretty damn boring myself so there was no love lost there as she tactfully dumps him. We all know where the writing is going with the "Dany love life" plot and clearly I don't really care for it. We can only hope that the scissor sisters will make their appearance before it too late. We also have not heard the last of Jorah Mormont.
I have my theory about Dany and the Red Woman, I have this small inkling that they will attempt to burn Dany down (RIP Shireen) to show that maybe she is the chosen one for the lord of light.
I have to give props to Arya, I was convinced that she wouldn't appear till next season but Arya went all 'Sweeney Todd' on the Freys. I feel kind of morbid when I was mentally high-fiving myself during the scene as "Sir Creepy" got what he deserved after the Red Wedding.
Speaking of Sir Creepy, let's talk about Little Finger here. I feel that Little Finger isn't going to last long in this series, in fact...I'm kind of surprised he is still around. I think Little Finger knows about Jon Snow but the man is all about plotting and scheming. We haven't seen Sansa smile for awhile, so I think she knows that Little Finger is up to something.
All-in-All it was a really good season-ending finale, with a lot of reveals and a lot of death. It makes you wonder what the hell you were sitting through the last few weeks.

I know there are other sub-plots I'm missing here, but I feel the puzzle pieces are into place and at this point its going to be a "sit back and watch the fun begin" type of show. I'm interested to hear all your theories. What are your predictions for next season?
Here's a couple theories:
-What likely starts out as a full scale war of likely 3 factions eventually turns into a united front against the white walkers.
-The three dragon heads are revealed: Dany (obvious), Jon Snow (his parentage revealed to him by Bran at some point, joins Dany against white walkers), Tyrion (the bond between him and Dany as half siblings is already starting to take shape).
-Red woman: maybe she heads south and bumps into Stannis? Maybe she becomes Jorah's cure and he brings her back to Dany? Hard to guess on this one.
-Littlefinger: I haven't ruled out Sansa still going back to him...I don't think she trusts Jon's leadership...but at the same time I don't see her going for Littlefinger's greed.
-Arya: Likely reunion with the Hound.
-Here's my favorite: The Lannisters- Cersei has taken up the mantle of the Mad Queen....who better to kill her than the one that killed the Mad King? I think at some point she threatens to do something even crazier than she has already done and Jamie kills her.
ladycae · 100+, F
i was thrilled to see arya put her bravos experience to good use.I also loved how jamie dissed walter frey with his "if we have to keep taking back riverrun over and over why do we even need you" remark. i thought the finale was awesome just like the season has been. and three hard to not bite your nails and pass the popcorn episodes in a row.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
Yes, she should of at least took that advice from hot pie...and what did she do with the rest??? So many questions
Myzery · 41-45, F
Obviously Arya didn't take any notes from Hot Pie during their time together or she would have removed the nail. I cannot imagine how chewy those get during the baking process!

As far as any serious theories go. I need to think. I need to clear my head of book theories and work from there. I like what they did, things are just muddled at the moment.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
I know the Red Woman will come into play later. Since she was banished from winterfell, I do see her being in the good graces of Dany (since that was part of Tyrion's plan anyway). To me it makes sense about trying to burn Dany at the stake since she is least it makes sense in my head.

I do think Arya is gonna have a stab at Cersei since she was on her list and all....

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