I Love Futurama
FRY: [on wanting to go on the surface of the moon] Let's go already!
LEELA: Fry, we have a crate to deliver.
FRY: Let's just dump it in the sewer and say we delivered it.
BENDER: Too much work. Let's burn it and say we dumped it in the sewer.
LEELA: OK, if everyone's finished being stupid -
FRY: I had more... but you go ahead.
LEELA: Fry, we have a crate to deliver.
FRY: Let's just dump it in the sewer and say we delivered it.
BENDER: Too much work. Let's burn it and say we dumped it in the sewer.
LEELA: OK, if everyone's finished being stupid -
FRY: I had more... but you go ahead.