as in 1960's first Doctor?
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@SW-User you mean those animated episodes...they're quite good!

@metaldog Yeah

@DarthMalia All of Hartnel's are reconstructed from stills.
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
I have never seen doctor who.
Where does one even begin? I have heard there are like decades worth of shows? - is that true?
Where does one even begin? I have heard there are like decades worth of shows? - is that true?
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
@DarthMalia You can buy all the Doctor Who series in England 😎 😘
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@LondonCowboy its free with prime here
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
@DarthMalia If you convert your American Dollars into British Pounds you can come here and buy lots of Doctor Who memorabilia cheap 😂 😘
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
So you love the British Empire really ? 😎 😂 😘
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
@DarthMalia It was made in England though so we have amalgamated it into our Empire 😂 😘
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@LondonCowboy nope XD
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
@DarthMalia Even the Stormtroopers were played by British actors and R2D2 and C3P0 were English 😂 😘
Prometheus · 26-30, M
Who is your favorite doctor?
Prometheus · 26-30, M
Feel like most people like ten specifically for the fact he is David Tennant. I disagree, 9 brought back the doctor as he was angry yet kind. Smart but blind to those nearest him. 11 on the other hand shows compassion..though Matt Smith is the youngest doctor he plays him as if time is catching up with the doctor making everyone realize he is mortal and can die. Went on a rant. Doubt most of it will make since.
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Prometheus i can see your point
RoboChloe · 26-30, F