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A better night and a laugh.

This is a carry over from an @Bexsy post but I thought of it and used it as a reply. I laughed when I found it and laughed again.

It's a classic memory for a lot of us. This is the short to the point clip.

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OverTheHill · 61-69, M
I read the book before i saw the film. Too bad i didn't keep the book. You cannot find it any longer. It goes for hundreds of dollars used.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@OverTheHill There's so many things that went through our hands when we were young that was later worth a lot of $. What hit my realization is every and all presmog car that was in my high school parking lot foreign and domestic if in original condition is worth a fortune today. Some more than others but even Beetles are outrageous.
The only time Sean Penn was funny
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@BizSuitStacy Yes and he carried that movie regardless of all the characters. It's the only movie I care for that he is in.
TexChik · F

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