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tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Self driving cars.Put that technology into military vehicles and write software that allows it to shoot weapons.Terminator becomes real.
TexChik · F
@tallpowerhouseblonde They have developed unmanned jet fighters that are far superior to those piloted by humans.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@TexChik They will be able to pull much higher Gs too.
FreeLilly · 18-21, F
AI is becoming a threat but not like pictured in terminator...
its that with ai it is possible to create complete stories and narratives and make them appear real. you can create thousands of papers cross referencing each other and quoting in a circle to make up a narrative that is completely nonsense... add on that the capabilties of deep fake video creation and you can make up anything and flood the social media with it
its that with ai it is possible to create complete stories and narratives and make them appear real. you can create thousands of papers cross referencing each other and quoting in a circle to make up a narrative that is completely nonsense... add on that the capabilties of deep fake video creation and you can make up anything and flood the social media with it
GambleOnFire · 18-21, F
Is advancing fast in some ways but not in any of the ways that’s gonna make that happen
trackboy · 22-25, M
that is only a few years from now!!!! 🙀
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Miles Dyson says yes.
SarahConnorT800 · F
Well i mean I’m here so ur fine for now
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M