Something you can recall and has permanently marked you for ages, and when you think of it you'll think of one certain scene that stirred you or moved you, or just left you devastated, either for bad or good reasons.
Some movies change your perception of life. That's the truest time you'll say, "ah, this was a good movie."
@xalvaethion love this summary. It's true and just goes to show that nit every movie will be a good one to everyone because people are moved by different things.
@Villanelle Indeed that people are moved by different things because we look at things based on our personal meanings. People are marked with scenes that relate or devastate.
Just wanted to say I just watched a movie where people were shot in the head, blown up with hand grenades, electrocuted to death and dipped in an acid bath...however when someone said the word sh!t it got bleeped over.