GohantheThird · M
Old school power rangers! Nice!
Sjones13 · 41-45, M
@GohantheThird I was about 10 when it all started
GohantheThird · M
@Sjones13 I was 4 and I still enjoy it!
Wolfgirl567 · 31-35, F

Ohh awesome memories
AmericanaChick · 22-25, F
I watched my dad's old vhs copies. 😆
Lostpoet · M
I remember but this is the first time thought I notice how fckable Rita was.
GohantheThird · M
@Lostpoet Rita aged herself down so she could get Zedd to marry her.
lispoiledbrat · 26-30, F
@GohantheThird thats's partly an excuse for them to use a different actress for rita, as this was new and not reused sentai.