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If you haven't seen it already, I highly recommend watching "Hillary's America," by Dinesh D' Souza.

Very well done and enlightening. The ending had me feeling more patriotic with tears welling up than anything before, except for 9/11. I'm a naturalized American, so I don't get those warm and fuzzy feelings of patriotic pride like many born Americans do, but watching this made me realize how more patriotic I am than most of the Democratic Party.

God Bless America. 🇺🇸
jim44444 · 70-79, M
I thought I recognized his name so I googled him. Wow, not someone I would give credence.

If found an interesting review of Mr. D'Souza at
In the article it states that D'Souza -
"As a remedy to terrorism, he advocated that God-fearing right-wing Americans should join forces with their natural ally, traditional Muslims, including those who agree with Sharia law. Many right-wing critics, including some at the Hoover Institution, hadn’t encountered such creative hypothesizing, and they were nearly unanimous in their appraisal—calling his arguments “dishonest,” “intellectually obtuse,” and “suicidal.”
I would take anything D'Souza says with a large grain of salt.
Carissimi · F
This is propagander. The left will (and are) smearing everyone who dares to tell the truth. In the last week, I've been called a racist, misogynist, and a Nazi c*nt. I'm none of these things...far from it...but they label you for having a different viewpoint. The left have it in for D' Souza, so there is a lot of misinformation out there.
Carissimi · F
I've heard him speak on several occasions. He doesn't say anything like what you quoted.
PrincessLadybug · 26-30, F
The Democratic Party used to be the slave owners who where part of the KKK and lynched black people. Proud to be a republican.
Carissimi · F
@SteveHamm: Not true.
@Carissimi: you know nothing about history. You are ignorant. A follower.
PrincessLadybug · 26-30, F
This is probably because the Democratic Party shifted its efforts to appeal to blacks and minorities. They get them dependent on the party by having them live off welfare and be dependent on the government. They aren't in their best interests. The racism is regional, not partisan. Not all republicans are racist. In fact they freed the slaves. They don't care about race; it shouldn't be used as an excuse for people
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
And can we get a copy?
Carissimi · F
@Dorkgerdo: Wait until you see the full movie. It's worth it. Look for the name Dinesh D' Souza.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
@Carissimi: No can do, they have all.been taken downaLookijg for secondarybsights now..
Is it the one that starts out in black and white and give back ground info on Bill Clinton?
Carissimi · F
@Dorkgerdo: No. It starts with a guy playing a piano, and a band singing, " Happy Days are Here Again."
You're an idiot.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@Carissimi: voting system should be changed.

that's all i got to say.
Carissimi · F
@sighmeupforthat: We'll have to agree to disagree, and leave it there.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@Carissimi: i wish but i can't afford it. salaries already been frozen 17 years.

step increase all but less than a pipe dream.

COLW is a joke and trump wants to get rid of that.

he goes on about 'taking corruption and wrangling it into the void' but what he doesn't understand is.. guess who gets the boot.

it's not who ya think.

it will be the working class schmoes. imagine that.

i have a wife dying... i'm sick with a disease.... i've not had a raise in almost 2 decades.
where i work they're turning it into a business and we're losing money and congress refuses to back us as the excuse.

i've nearly lost my department and our secretary tells us all who took our salaries and 'proliferated' them for his 'fund raising'...... 'tough shit'.


i miss the carter years. reagan was a nightmare and obama can't have all the administrations people will vote him for and clinton.. wtf happened? she knows when to leave things well enough alone.

though she is dead weight... was before, we wouldn't be wondering "do i need to work at the drive thru?"

i can't do that... i don't want to think about 'the other options' i enjoy living.

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