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graphite · 61-69, M
The show that gave us the term, jumped the shark, because it stayed on the air too long. Just check out "American Graffiti," instead, the movie that inspired that show. Some of the same people are in both.
@graphite Awesome. I'll check it out
chrisCA · M
Back in the 70's, there was a lot of nostalgia for the 50's.
I am not sure how it would be received today.
I am not sure how it would be received today.
@chrisCA If done right, it'll be pretty well received. A lot of people are getting tired of modern and superhero movies.
This would be something "new" and refreshing. Also, different from what's coming out.
This would be something "new" and refreshing. Also, different from what's coming out.
chrisCA · M
@SW-User True. I myself would be comparing it to the original.
@chrisCA Nothing can compare but if it's done well and stays true to what it is, then that's good enough. Especially since we have a new generation of audiences who have no clue about it.
HeteroDox · 41-45, F
I have not seen one remake that has captured the appeal of the original
@HeteroDox It's more of a reintroduction. Nothing really beats the original but gets the next generation introduced to characters.
HeteroDox · 41-45, F
@SW-User nods... Im not against remakes if the spirit of the original is there... "Riverdale" is not about the comedy of errors of being a teenager, in facts ts worse than "Twilight" - just to name one
Fonz was cool in the beginning, but they made him into a dweeb towards the end.
@SW-User Don't dare talk about my childhood crush like that
Degbeme · 70-79, M
The Fonz may need a walker now. 🤭
@Degbeme Hahaha recast him
Budwick · 70-79, M
Here's a fun idea - try casting the major characters with todays talent.