We have a good sized collection also a couple hundred. I have been buying digital more now, than I used to.

I’m not sure it’s really worth having dvds now with all the streaming and Netflix. I loved buying dvds when I was a child tho :(
To answer the question, yes I have some dvds I’ll end up throwing away
To answer the question, yes I have some dvds I’ll end up throwing away

I have a small collection of DVDs of TV shows. For the most part I don't watch movies more than once, so it's only TV shows that I'd collect.
PrivatePeeks · 26-30, F
I've been giving mine away. They're worthless for resale.
@PrivatePeeks When I replace them with the Blu-ray versions I give the childrens' ones to the neighbors' kids and donate the other ones.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I don’t have that many,probably 60 or so.
I bulk buy them from charity shops for 50p a DvD

I have a couple of dozen..
I do.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
DVDs and Blu-Rays
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