Mamapolo2016 · F
There's something called 'a willing suspension of disbelief' and in this instance, it means if you don't at least temporarily accept the premise of a horror movie, it may gross you out but it won't scare you.

I think this has a lot to do with what you find scary. Most horror movies don't scare me at all, unless they're really well-done body horror or home invasion films.
MissScarlett · 31-35, F
Yes! As a little kid, I was horrified.
Now, they just don't do it anymore. It's been a really long time since one was actually scary to me.
Now, they just don't do it anymore. It's been a really long time since one was actually scary to me.
MarmeeMarch · M
watch the original fly with jeff goldblum and you will change your tune
I've never found them scary. Not even when I was little.
Pfuzylogic · M
Horror movies do require cooperation but some of them don’t deserve it!
Azrael ·
None of the ones you mentioned are actually scary
LadyAlessandra · 41-45, F
horror movies are not longer scary, unless you are living it
The only thing that creeps me out is marionettes
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PoizonApple · 41-45, F
Your life must be scary enough as it is