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What are your classic nick jr/noggin favorites?

Mine are blues clues, the backyardigans, the wonder pets, Olivia, little bill, little bear, lazy town, pinky dinky doo, Gullah Gullah island, Oswald, Maggie and the ferocious beast, and toot and puddle. The only tv show that I know about that existed back in the late 90’s but got cancelled after it became too gruesome was Happy Appy. Also Gregory’s room was a show but got cancelled before it aired.
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TheBackyardigansFan · 22-25, F Best Comment
My favorite classic Nick Jr/Noggin show are 1. The Backyardigans 2. Blue’s clues 3. Little bill 4. Little bear 5. Gullah Gullah Island 6.Olivia 7. Lazytown 8. Pinky dinky doo and 9. Toot and Puddle
Oh so that’s what I forgot.@TheBackyardigansFan

The only one I can remember is blues clues and also one where there were marionette puppets of pirates.
@ManicPixieDreamBoy your talking about either candle cove or lazy town. Candle cove was never on nick jr or noggin.
@Leonkuwataismyboyfriend hey someone got it bahahaha. But no I only remember blues clues.
Poet123 · 26-30, M
What's that?
@Poet123 it’s a tv channel from Nickelodeon. It was called noggin so nick jr was only a block but it got changed to nick jr.

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