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Any GoT fans?


What did you think of the season finale?
Do you think the script's quality has decreased since there's no book material to follow?
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It was amazing!!!! That reminds me, need to get ride of my subscription until the next season!
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
@SW-User lol
Same XD
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
Assuming spoilers are cool at this point.

The script is certainly weaker, although not so weak the show is bad. The bigger issue is the show moving all of its pieces in place requires a lot of magical hand-waving. The plot to get Daenerys' dragon up north to die was hopelessly contrived. Everything is so epic and expensive they don't have time to slow the pace down and let the stories breathe.

But the characters remain great, the dialogue is well-written, and the big plot moves are still great because they're built on a really solid foundation. Littlefinger's death made sense (and shocked the hell out of me), as did Jaime leaving Cersei. Danaerys getting with Jon seemed inevitable, even though it feels unearned - another problem of the short seasons.
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
@CaptainCanadia I don't really like them together, but oh well, it's just my opinion.
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
@CrazyCatLady I don't either, I just saw it as being inevitable - like the plot demanded it so it happened. It's unearned and I don't actually see why they'd be interested in each other.
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
@CaptainCanadia Completely agree with you. Hi5. 🐈
HeavenBesideYou · 56-60, F
There's a few things but mostly I thought the wall came down way too easily.
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
ili1981 · 41-45, M
Season finale was epic,sir jamie finaly became the man who supposed to be! starks are together again!
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
@ili1981 Take that b***h :P
ili1981 · 41-45, M
@CrazyCatLady 👍 btw,did you liked the song in that scene? the music.
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
I can't recall the song, I think I was barely breathing hahah No time to listen to the song, I will have to rewatch to answer that :P
TheGoodGuy · M
I don't got a fan but I can get one for u if u want
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
TheGoodGuy · M
@CrazyCatLady hehehe
It could get worse than it already was? Jesus...
Elegy · 46-50
Not there yet, unsub!
Decent. Not amazing. Jamie never lets me down though. Love that guy. Hotter as he got older which is strange
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
@SW-User I know, damn you Jamie!!
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@spongemunkey has anyone explained sex to you yet?
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
@SW-User Shh. Don't spoil it for the rest of us.

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