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Maybe we should think twice before accusing Israel of genocide in Israel?

An essential aspect of classic Christian religious antisemitism is the idea that Jews murdered Jesus, the innocent one, the lamb of God. A recurring theme of anti-Semitic sentiment against Israel is that Jews murder innocent Palestinians. Are these two notions interrelated? If this comparison has merit, what is the psychological significance of depicting a person or an entire people of being brutal aggressors murdering the faultless, blameless innocents?

bijouxbroussard · F Best Comment
I guess I thought most Christians understood by now that Jesus was Jewish.
@bijouxbroussard Yes, and when Jesus was alive, Judea was occupied by Rome. Now we've come full circle. Now, Israel is Judea and it's an occupier!! 🤣

Miram · 31-35, F
The Israeli government is not a representation of jews nor Judaism. So any criticism of it isn't anti-semitic.

Netanyahu war crimes and the decision to prolong the war comes from the desire to secure support and prolong his own corruption trials, as well as distract from the widespread opposition against giving the executive branch undue influence over the judiciary which he has been to do to also evade responsibility and conviction..he is actively ending democracy to get away from prosecution.

Equating his actions with the interest of Jews as a whole, and claiming to be protecting them, is basically trying to pin down his own crimes on jews..doesn't get more antisemitic than that.

Thousands of Israelis have been protesting against his crimes.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
So are you arguing that Israel is incapable of committing genocide, or that they are in fact committing genocide and we should just use a different word?
wulfheort · 26-30, M
Desert religions bantering about. *yawn*
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@wulfheort I know, genocide, so boring, let's change the subject and stop thinking about the millions of people who will die.
wulfheort · 26-30, M
@LordShadowfire that's perfect, thanks. We could just turn the area into glass and get it all over with.
Christian anti-Semitism is partly due to famous mistranslation...
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Okay, I've thought about it twice.

Israel is committing genocide.
@LordShadowfire That's all I ask! Thank you. ✌️
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@flipper1966 Well, you're welcome. I deal with the definition of genocide as in the attempt to kill everybody in a particular group within a particular region. Some people suggest that what I really mean to say is ethnic cleansing, but I kind of don't see a difference there.
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@Northwest The intent behind the criticism matters. Is it to improve policies or to undermine the state itself?

The question here is what is their intent?

A group of Israelis, that includes the 2004 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, the former head of Mossad, and several major Israeli politicians, wrote an op-ed, asking the US Congress to rescind the invitation that was extended to Netanyahu to address Congress.
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@flipper1966 He's right.

Israel may be the only example of successful decolonization, where an indigenous group returned to their historic homeland and took control of it.
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