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Tomorrow early in the morning i’m going to be psychologically evaluated. It’s a part of my eating disorder recovery.

I’m genuinely scared that I’m going to be diagnosed with schizophrenia. Because it not only runs in my family but I’ve been hearing voices for the past six months or so. I really don’t want to be schizophrenic. I’m scared what they’re going to say. I already have enough issues as is…
Pretzel · 61-69, M
don't worry what name they hang on it
accept it and the treatment

you just work on feeling and doing better
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
Hearing voices is symptomatic of Schizophrenia ..alongside your age. However its not the worst that can happen ( if it were the case)

There are Schizophrenics who live decent lives. Its usually about keeping well and setting goals .

Goodluck i hope everything works out.
Caraxes · 41-45, M
Please try not to worry too much about “labels” I do understand why you are scared to be labelled in such a way it was a big issue for my ex wife. If that label means you get the help that you need then surely that’s a positive. Hope the evaluation goes well 🙌🏽
If you do have schizophrenia, it is treatable. Best wishes for your health. 🌹
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