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Mildly AdultExciting
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Why don’t you ever see my side?

It’s because of your hat. That creepy Satanist hat. Don’t you think you’d look better and happier without that sack of evil on your head?
[image deleted]
See how happy and smiling you are without it? ☺️
@stratosranger where da fugg did you find this picture of me? Who do you know?
@Temporallube Gargamel.
@stratosranger that betraying Bazturd!
Iwillwait · M
*looks around*sees nothing* 🤷
@Temporallube To be honest the first time I saw you down there I thought you were a wad of grape Bubble Yum.
@stratosranger yay you would think a perfectly healthy purple smurf for something chewy and gummy 🤨
@Temporallube Well to be honest smurfs are sweet and tasty and the hallucinations after consumption are top notch
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@Mrnoone hey just because I couldn’t control my bowels and did projectile turds doesn’t make me a bad person!
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@Mrnoone i cut out the fiber 😒

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