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"Fake Alpha" Narcissists


F: Fake alpha empathizes authority when they're in a group
T: True alpha empathizes competence

F: Fake alpha tries to force an agenda
T: True alpha allows people to "buy" into an agenda, they understand that there's different reasoning, they don't feel the need to force-feed

F: Fake alpha demands loyalty
T: True alpha understands loyalty as a by-product of their actions and not something that can just be demanded.

F: Fake Alpha is VERY thin skinned, they just simply can't tolerate any dissent
T: True alpha understands people will differ but can still be objective, more thick skinned.

F: Fake alpha appeals to their own personal preferences i.e. this is what I want when we're in a group
T: True alpha appeals to solid ideas, rather than forcing an opinion, let's take a look at what makes sense and what concepts would lead the way whether it's inside the family or organization as opposed to making it all about "me" or tell you who they want you to be.

F: Fake alpha becomes easily insistent when they want to get things done
T: True alpha understands we get things done with patient planning, if there's kinks along the way, they're with that.

F: Fake alpha demands obedience
T: True alpha encourages creativity, they like diversity. They understand diversity is there and understand diversions.

F: Fake alpha is desperate for others to agree
T: True alpha likes agreement but their internally confident when disagreement comes along

F: Fake alpha uses bully tactics whether it's name calling, derision, or bullying
T: True alpha is assertive. They know when to speak up and know when to allow others to walk away with dignity

F: Fake alpha has to be on top
T: True alpha isn't concerned with rank, just results.

F: Fake alpha is highly self impressed
T: True alpha is humble enough, they like being part of a team

F: Fake alpha is willing to exploit
T: True alpha is someone that says I want to lift other individuals up with me.

F: Fake alpha focuses on "appearance" of success
T: True alpha focuses on inner essence

F: Fake alpha is angry under pressure
T: True alpha is calm under pressure

Fake alphas can be successful short term just by brute force along but long term, people grow tired and the fake alpha narcissist needs to keep finding others to fall in line long after the rest got tired of it.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
Why do y'all do this? Lol fake alpha, real alpha, you're just projecting which traits you like onto "real alphas" and ones you hate onto "fake alphas"
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger I'm not talking about the effectiveness of it you brainlet, I'm talking about unironically using terms like fake alpha, real alpha, etc
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Rolexeo That's because the psychology of the fake alpha male is one of over compensation, when you're not really alpha or feel a lack of something, you also feel the need to overcompensate. Fake alpha males have narcissistic traits in them for this reason. Narcissists portray they are confident but they're really not, their insecurity even if it comes out as over confidence. A lot of these traits are found in fake alpha males.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger idk, in my mind alpha means outwardly dominant if anything, regardless of what goes on beneathe the surfsce

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