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Why'd my sister send me this short film on epilepsy

Now it's got me in my feels 😭 it reminds me of so many instances.


I'm grateful that my epilepsy is now under control but for 3 years straight during the pandemic it was pretty bad.

I lost a lot of independence. I'd have a family member or friend waiting outside a toilet just in case I fell off, I stopped driving and I still barely drive because the anxiety of not driving for years is still with me.

I couldn't really go out for walks by myself, because I'd be having up to 3 seizures a day. Whenever I did go for a walk it was usually with my brother. I still remember having a seizure in a park and laying on the grass but it was weirdly nice to see the sky instead of the same 4 walls.

The one in London wasn't as nice lmao. Couldn't think of any place worse. It was so busy and loud but a few people came to help which restored my faith in humanity just a lil 🤏🏽bit.

Of course it being the pandemic added on top of it because there was nothing to occupy the mind at the time. I think that's part of why I decided to go Ireland by myself for a few months. I just wanted to regain a sense of independence after getting comfortable with relying too much on everyone.

Even when i'd go out with friends and end up having seizures, I felt guilty that they had to sit with me until I was present. When I was around family I'd eventually leave the room if I felt like I was on the verge of having one but my brother started picking up on it and followed me lmao. I'd always be like "oh great, here comes my body guard" because as helpful as he was, it felt suffocating always being watched. Bless him lol.

When I was younger I'd try to hide my face. Especially if I had one in school which I did. It's not like any of the kids said anything cruel. It's just the anticipation that they could if they wanted to. Growing up is already difficult without having an additional thing that draws attention to you.

I'm glad they're under control now and I know mine aren't as bad as so many others have them so I'll count my blessings where I have them
Dan509 · 26-30, M
My sister has this too and i remember the bad old days before she was on medication.

I'm very glad yours are under control amd i hope you continue to recover and get your life fully back
@Dan509 I'm doing good now, I still have em of course but not nearly as much as I used to. I hope your sister is doing much better 💙
UndeadSona · F
I didn't know you even had that, I'm glad you're doing better
@UndeadSona I think I've posted about it a few times but not so much while it was real bad but yasss I'm doing well now 💃🏽
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
When your seizures got really bad I was just distraught for you. I'm so glad things are managed now. There's always someone who has it worse, but doesn't mean you had it good y'know.
Odd to see this today. My sister had her first seizure in 3 years on her way to work. She wasnt far from home and someone called an ambulance. She's sore and pissed off.
I'll always advocate for her, look after her. It's a scary thing to see, let alone live with. Just look after yourself x
@V00doo I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she's okay💙

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