I Have Epilepsy
So here we go!..I searched online for a description. An explanation of some sort?. Just to clarify my feelings. Strange but misunderstood?. So difficult to explain to a person not diagnosed with epilepsy. And with epilepsy having different symptoms or influences on others. I tried to explain the feeling I get prior to a seizure, like a warning..but what they call an "aura"...And I always thought it was like a build up of intense anxiety and there was always a hint of deja vu there. When I searched online, doctors had descriptions like ( colours, music, deja vu, impending doom, hallucinations)
And funnily enough although I shouldn't be surprised?..I was a little bit....I related to two of them.. When my aura (warning, pre-seizure) starts, I get that overwhelming feeling of impending doom, deja vu...only then!!...the deja vu is triggered by everything around me only during the aura, but the immense fear I get is not triggered by anything going on in life...just triggered by the aura, brain activity, or waves influenced by epilepsy..this outburst of random fear, like trauma is going to happen, you find it harder to breathe..but if the aura vanishes, and you don't go into a a seizure (a full absence) Its like a belt unfastening around your chest, giving you a sense of relief, seizure isn't happening, fear is over, aura is gone, nothing to worry, you're breathing properly
And funnily enough although I shouldn't be surprised?..I was a little bit....I related to two of them.. When my aura (warning, pre-seizure) starts, I get that overwhelming feeling of impending doom, deja vu...only then!!...the deja vu is triggered by everything around me only during the aura, but the immense fear I get is not triggered by anything going on in life...just triggered by the aura, brain activity, or waves influenced by epilepsy..this outburst of random fear, like trauma is going to happen, you find it harder to breathe..but if the aura vanishes, and you don't go into a a seizure (a full absence) Its like a belt unfastening around your chest, giving you a sense of relief, seizure isn't happening, fear is over, aura is gone, nothing to worry, you're breathing properly