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I Have Epileptic Seizures

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Sela1095 · 26-30, F
I get seizures as well! Mine just come out of no where without a warning sign
Talys · 36-40, F
@Sela1095 Do those happen frequently?
Sela1095 · 26-30, F
Ya sometimes i take 2 diffrent kind of seizure medicine, i have also thought about getting a VNS implanted in me to help the seizures stop
diablo · 51-55, M
You don't have to answer this publicly, but have you tried Cannabidiol (CBD) oil? So far, the research on using that with epilepsy is fascinating and the potential seems limitless.
Talys · 36-40, F
@diablo No, I haven't tried CBD oil yet. Though am intrigued by the ongoing research! It could prove quite valuable information in future medical applications if proven to be effective.
xSharp · 31-35, M
whats your aura?
Talys · 36-40, F
@xSharp Dizzy with migraine like headaches, also white light flashes. You?
xSharp · 31-35, M
@Talys i dont have epilepsy, i am just interested in the unique variety of auras, though i do zone out for a minute or two at strange times and i fell kind of disoriented afterwards which may be absent seizures due to head trauma but i doubt it.

one man had an aura where he would feel like he was acquiring all the knowledge in the universe and right when he was about to have the answer to it all, the seizure would hit. another would feel like there was someone behind him, if he turned to look he would have a seizure but if he didnt turn around to look he would not have a seizure

very interesting
Talys · 36-40, F
@xSharp That does sound like an interesting aura for sure!

And what you describe is similar to an absence seizure. As there is a variety of different types of seizures.
I'm sorry. Someday there will be a cure.
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Talys · 36-40, F
@imLobo it's the purple epilepsy support ribbon.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I can't imagine what that feels like.
TheProphet · M
Sorry to hear that.
My condolences
My dad had them as well
clamenza · 56-60, M
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Sorry. Was close to someone that also was epileptic. 🙁
Tukudo · 41-45, M

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