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I feel grateful that I’m autistic.

I’m ngl I kinda look down on other people. Granted, I am lower support needs and I’m certainly not perfect but I see the way neurotypical people behave and every day I observe them, I’m thankful that my brain is not wired like theirs.

I notice I have a drive for knowledge that I’m shocked most other people don’t have. As a child, I would just disappear with books on astronomy. As an adult, I’m always challenging myself to learn new skills and gain more information.

It saddens me when I meet people trapped in such a boring loop they call life. Just repeating the same day over and over with no larger goals, no lust for life or knowledge. Just the same boring thoughts on repeat.

If autism is caused by vaccines, then more people need to get shot.
eeycee997 · 56-60
Me + ASD : I don't understand 'boring' - I never have
unsure · 26-30, M
i'm autistic & it just worries me.
unsure · 26-30, M
i had to share this [media=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zijFeeN7Oo0]

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