People just don’t like us. It’s annoying 🙄
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Yeah but once people find out you have a disability they call you the r word. @jaymic64
jaymic64 · M
@Leonkuwataismyboyfriend I know and that is an unfortunate trait of many people. One day you will realize those people are not who define who you are. I really wish it was different
@jaymic64 same

Its all about the label. MANY people in the past.. before the word "Autism" was coined did just fine, excelled even.
Now with certain labels that are supposed to be helpful to diagnose and treat certain things, it also hinders the people it is meant to help.. Social stigmas...
Now with certain labels that are supposed to be helpful to diagnose and treat certain things, it also hinders the people it is meant to help.. Social stigmas...

@HootyTheNightOwl And how. It was the world's way even until the 1970s. Lobotomy, Shock therapy, Insulin induced comas, forced sterilisation, etc.
Now THAT was the real MADNESS...
Now THAT was the real MADNESS...
@SW-User i just found one from the US, too... i haven't watched this one myself yet...

@HootyTheNightOwl Likely the very same insanity used to "treat" the so-called insane.
Robert · 70-79, M
Many autistic people have incredible talents. You are to be credited for your maturity. I wish more were like you.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Well, I'll probably catch hell for this, but which is it- treat them like anybody else, or treat them as someone who is different?
You can't have it both ways. If they are truly "special" and "different" from neurotypical children, then obviously it's natural for those children to be unsure of how to include them without catering to them and therefore treating them "differently".
You can't have it both ways. If they are truly "special" and "different" from neurotypical children, then obviously it's natural for those children to be unsure of how to include them without catering to them and therefore treating them "differently".
jaymic64 · M
Yes we are. My son is autistic spectrum. He is 21 and very intelligent but is behind on social skills. He has dealt with the same treatment all his life.
jaymic64 · M
@LaurieKitKat94 it’s sad that they are so misunderstood. They are as genuine as anyone could be.
LaurieKitKat94 · 31-35, F
@jaymic64 Can I ask you something? Is it true that people disabilities are...."special"? Aren't non disabled people special too I mean not because of treatment.
jaymic64 · M
@LaurieKitKat94 everyone is special in their on way. I think the term special for people with disabilities comes from them having special needs.
TheBatQueen · 26-30, F
those people are horrible
ItsGonnaBeOk · 26-30, M
what the fuck is wrong with those dickhead??
i have autism and it can be really hard to communicate with people some times, the last thing THE VERY LAST THING you want do to is to make them feel different or weird.
of course they are call special, would you like to be called special or weird ?
She needs to do the hard work like everyone else
she work 10 times more than others just trying to fit in with people.i have autism and it can be really hard to communicate with people some times, the last thing THE VERY LAST THING you want do to is to make them feel different or weird.
of course they are call special, would you like to be called special or weird ?
ItsGonnaBeOk · 26-30, M
@LaurieKitKat94 kinda
LaurieKitKat94 · 31-35, F
@ItsGonnaBeOk What do you mean kinda?
ItsGonnaBeOk · 26-30, M
@LaurieKitKat94 i know everyone is different and they have differnet ideas history thoughts but people with disabilities are too different and too special.
and i think people say special just because its better than saying your hadicaped.
and i think people say special just because its better than saying your hadicaped.