Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
In a sentence you must close that didtance and reconnect with people who care about you.
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Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@unknowng1rl It is so very important to have connections to people when having those thoughts even if it is not your parents. You have to have someone to talk to.
unknowng1rl · 18-21, F
@Subsumedpat i have noone i really wish i did
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@unknowng1rl Just keep talking even to people here if you need
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Sometimes when you feel like you're drowning, it's important to stop struggling and look for the light. When you know which direction to swim in, it's easier to manage the waters.
There's a lot of negativity in the world, in people, in ourselves and our pasts. But it's important to remember that not everything is negative all the time. There's good out there too, and they usually tend to make life worthwhile.
Maybe you find your comfort in good people, good places, good music, or good food. Maybe there's a good cause you feel strongly about, or good shows and films you might like to watch. Maybe there's things that make you feel good about yourself. When you find ways to connect with the world, it's a lot easier to live in
I don't know your specific problems, but just because they feel hopeless doesn't mean there's not a solution to them. I've been on the edge plenty of times myself.
When your thoughts are overwhelming, hopelessness is an easy trap to fall into. It's our brains way of avoiding unpleasantness. I'd say the most important thing to remember is that nobody knows the future. Anything can happen, and good things just might end up happening if we give them a chance to.
There's a lot of negativity in the world, in people, in ourselves and our pasts. But it's important to remember that not everything is negative all the time. There's good out there too, and they usually tend to make life worthwhile.
Maybe you find your comfort in good people, good places, good music, or good food. Maybe there's a good cause you feel strongly about, or good shows and films you might like to watch. Maybe there's things that make you feel good about yourself. When you find ways to connect with the world, it's a lot easier to live in
I don't know your specific problems, but just because they feel hopeless doesn't mean there's not a solution to them. I've been on the edge plenty of times myself.
When your thoughts are overwhelming, hopelessness is an easy trap to fall into. It's our brains way of avoiding unpleasantness. I'd say the most important thing to remember is that nobody knows the future. Anything can happen, and good things just might end up happening if we give them a chance to.
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
You’re strong, amazing, sweet, lovely and awesome I believe in you you’re stronger than the anxiety or depression or anything negative that is telling you to end it 😳💐 you are precious and deserve life and happiness and love
girlsrituals · 13-15, T
talk to people, write, draw, take care of plants. watch a show.
do anything you like, and if you feel like you don't like anything, it's not true! really, been there i know at some point you think there is no point in anything and you can't find joy in anything either, all you can really do is keep living and hope you find something that makes you stay
even if it's the silliest thing, if it makes you stay alive is not silly
do anything you like, and if you feel like you don't like anything, it's not true! really, been there i know at some point you think there is no point in anything and you can't find joy in anything either, all you can really do is keep living and hope you find something that makes you stay
even if it's the silliest thing, if it makes you stay alive is not silly
pdockal · 56-60, M
You've just made the first move to get help & get better
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Talk to someone around you that you trust and see if they can find you some help
Are you anorexic?
LadyGrace · 70-79