Coping with PTSD part 2.
My PTSD has been an up and down struggle. The past few days. Yesterday and the day before, I felt that I was finally getting past my trauma. Half an hour ago, I had some flashbacks and feelings of severe anxiety. I know I have few places to go. I recognise that I have to move on with my life. So I am going to pull through, and do all I can to get work done. I feel that's my only available option. I am always deeply grateful for all the words of wisdom from the folks who read what I write. Together with any possible feedback, I hope I can pull through. I had a bad headache. I just took some meds to hopefully get rid of my headache. My feelings of having failed in life by getting mugged are what make me feel so weak and sad. I have no idea how I will get over that. I am planning to find any and all support groups available although there are few that I know all means if anybody reads this, I am alway grateful for feedback and advice.