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A nugget from the night

We don’t feel fully known, understood, or valued by others or even ourselves—that’s why we labor to prove ourselves, get people to notice us, make a name for ourselves, or try to be someone else.
RebelFox · 36-40, F
I have noticed this about myself. I give myself an ulcer trying to be known by anyone. Like if anyone would listen to me or care to get to know me, it would mean so much. I’m not concerned with names or being someone else, more just feeling like I’m not invisible or like I’m loveable. Problem is I compromise my integrity and let people fuck with my head too much before I realize their intentions are to use me. Then I end up hating people for awhile. I’m too damn sweet 🦀
@RebelFox I'm confident that person is out there for you and they're probably thinking the same thing you are.
Thestenchofuranus · 51-55, M
I noticed there's no one else on earth like me and get bored as hell. I'm too much for most
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
that is deep man

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