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uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I know someone who went to see Gone in 60 Seconds and they stole his car.
@uncalled4 I was thinking about that movie and that made me think of Fast and the Furious which made me think of a similar story to the one described in this post which made me think of making this post.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@SW-User I'm waiting for a sandwich to be delivered, brain not processing any other data.
Carlisle · F
I knew I should have watched police academy 😒
Elevatorpitches · F
😅Well everyone is influenced by the media. Thats what its for, right?
The cop game comes from tv too.
The cop game comes from tv too.
MethDozer · M
Let me guess.. I fit a "description".🙄