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I am touched by some reassuring words.

I never thought I am this kind of person, but I am truly comforted by some reassuring words. When they are genuine, of course. I abhorr empty words of sweet nothings.

I find words that acknowledge what I've been through really comforting, like a balm to the soul. I think I always downplayed anything I've gone through as insignficant, compared to the horrors people are going through, that I didn't deserve to be hurt or sad or complaining about anything because I had overall a good life compared to many people, who deserve much more sympathy that I do...this series of thoughts led to the build up of all those memories of my childhood without being processed... and consequently that played a twisted turn on my emotions and my mental health overall. Heck, I even had depression in my adulthood and my mind told me I was being weak and just trying to seek attention. (Even though I was always trying to hide how much I hurt behind that lopsided facade, I didn't even seek help for it)

Now, having people acknowledge that indeed those things were not okay, that indeed it was not easy, that indeed my feelings were valid and I'm allowed to feel devastated about those things I deemed insignificant, really, really helps a lot.

So to anyone who helped or is willing to help in that regard, I say thank you.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
Realizing the things that you mentioned and realizing that NONE of us can get through life without people who are "there" and willing to invest in us is a huge step to heal and grow and understand that whatever has happened to you doesn't define you or hinder your ability to stand tall and live your dreams and use your abilities.
Friendlyperson · 26-30, F
That's true...
Still, even now, when I go over that again and think of those as insignificant, I feel an icy chill just course through me. My mind is still so adamant to make them nothing thus making my chest tighten in sadness and and now my self loathing's just rising to the top.
496sbc · 36-40, M
Gezz thats sad
Friendlyperson · 26-30, F
@496sbc It is, isn't it. But that's how it is.
496sbc · 36-40, M
@Friendlyperson well that makes me even sadder. Unfortunately because this is what always happens to me

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