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How do you help someone through a mental health relapse?

I understand that healing isn't linear, but it's sad to see someone beat up because they think they have failed. It is pretty severe health anxiety, made worse by autism and being hyper aware of everything going on in their body.
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DragonFruit · 61-69, M
I don’t need or wamt help....I’m an alcoholic for reasoms known to myself, amd I don’t really want amyone else getting involved.
Be there to listen, but don't try to take on the job of 'fixing' them. Try to steer them towards professional help, perhaps beginning with their doctor. Taking on someone else's mental health when you aren't trained can be exhausting and you can end up making things worse.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
The first step is to let them know you're there and that they can ask you for help if they need anything.

You have to let them lead you to what type of help and support they are comfortable with.
Deceased · M
Not sure. I wish I could answer that but I'm having my own mental health crisis right now and no one seems to care so.... yeah.
Tracos · 51-55, M
Often just being there is already a massive support

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